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Archive for Author: Ken Marlin

May 19, 2017

Three Ways that Politicians Can Help (or Hurt) Fintech in 2017 – Our May 2017 Fintech Market Update

Fintech, Press Release, Uncategorized 0 Comments

Dear Clients and Friends, The report found here contains an update on m&a deals, values and trends in the seven sectors of the global Fintech industry that we follow and sometimes lead. Please read the full May 2017 Fintech Market Update here. We live in interesting times. Many of my colleagues who are part of the Fintech world are simultaneously optimistic and nervous. The current business, tax, economic and regulatory environments have combined to make this a great time to be in Fintech. The market is booming. But it’s clear that some politicians around the world are contemplating policies that…

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May 3, 2017

Net neutrality and why it matters to m&a – Our May 2017 Market Update

Market Update, New M&A Addition, Newsletter, Press Release 0 Comments

Dear Clients and Friends, In the report found here, we highlight m&a values and trends in the dozen+ sectors of the information technology universe that we follow, and sometimes lead. Please see the May Market Update report, here. In our business we advise a fair number of mid-sized companies that are owned by early investors and entrepreneurs. Many of these companies are “upstarts” – some of which are looking to combine streaming content with technology to disrupt the established order. Eventually, many of these firms expect to become buyers or sellers – or to raise capital – and that’s where…

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Apr 20, 2017

The revolution is right around the corner. Our April 2017 Enterprise Data & Analytics Market Update

Enterprise Data, Market Update, Newsletter 0 Comments

Dear Clients and Friends, Our April 2017 EDA Market Update on m&a trends for the four segments of the Enterprise Data & Analytics sector that we follow, and sometimes lead, can be found here. Increasingly, it’s starting to look like the early phases of a revolution. The way in which some modern businesses are managed – using massive amounts of data and analytic tools to determine what they will buy or sell, through what channel, at what price, etc. – is much talked about and yet, for at least three reasons, the revolutionary power of these tools has not yet been fully…

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Apr 10, 2017

Politicians and Radical Deconstructionists probably won’t kill this market. Our April 2017 Market Update

In the News, Market Update, Millennials, Newsletter 0 Comments

Dear Clients and Friends, Our report found here tracks deals and trends in the dozen+ segments of the information technology universe that we follow, and sometimes lead. Read more of our April Market Update here. As any pundit will tell you, in most of the developed world the m&a market and the overall economy are strong – and have been since 2010. There are plenty of people who are willing to take risks (a sine qua non in this business); and who are willing to pay high prices for companies that have scale, unique defensible products, and a track record…

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Mar 23, 2017

Where will the smart fintech money go next? Our March 2017 Fintech Market Update

Fintech, Market Update, New M&A Addition, Newsletter 0 Comments

Dear Clients and Friends: The Fintech M&A Report found here tracks deals and trends in the seven sectors of the fintech universe that we follow, and sometimes lead. Please find it here. If you are an avid reader of fintech m&a investment news and analyses as we are, you may have noticed an interesting shift in tone over the past year. (And I’m not referring to national politics.) For one, at a macro level, after seeing investments into fintech increase at dizzying rates between 2010 and 2015, the total amount invested into fintech in 2016 seems to have plateaued to…

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