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Archive for Category: Healthcare IT

Disruption leads to paradigm shifts

Mar 13, 2016

Disruption is here to stay. Get used to it.

Enterprise Data, Fintech, Healthcare IT, Market Update, Newsletter , , , 0 Comments

For several years now, the dozen plus information technology sectors that we support have been strong for some, while quite disruptive for others. In Fintech, the press has focused on the digital revolution in customer behavior and the wave of virtualization currently sweeping financial services. It has to make the traditional providers nervous. In Enterprise Data, the buzz has been around the rise of big data analytics and how they are changing the way we understand the world. In Healthcare IT the talk has been about the increasing use of technology, information, and tools that may fundamentally change the doctor-patient relationship. These are disruptive times. Get used to it.

Smartphone showing how it can be connected to all elements of healthcare

Feb 11, 2016

Rethinking HIPAA In Light of Google and Smartphones

Healthcare IT , , 0 Comments

Nearly every day we meet entrepreneurs who have developed or enhanced technology that is designed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare. Whether it is technology to better diagnose problems, manage treatments, monitor progress, coordinate patient care, communicate among and between patients, providers and payers, or designed to solve any of a dozen other real world problems, a common complaint is the slow rate of adoption.

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