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Archive for Category: Newsletter

Dec 7, 2017

Net Neutrality and Why It Still Matters To M&A. Our December 2017 Market Update.

Market Update, Newsletter, Uncategorized 0 Comments

Dear Clients and Friends, Our latest Market Update report is found here. It contains an update on the m&a deals, values, and trends in the dozen+ segments of the information technology industry that we follow and sometimes lead. Please click here for our December Market Update. It’s been a strong year for information technology companies: revenue and profit are up for most and, as you can see from the report below, so are values. We’ve had a strong year – and it’s not over yet. But instead of recapping of our deals and awards, we are going to use this space…

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Nov 15, 2017

Is Capital Markets Tech the Forgotten Stepchild of Fintech? Our November 2017 Fintech M&A report

Fintech, Market Update, Newsletter 0 Comments

Dear Clients and Friends, Our latest Fintech m&a report can be found here. It highlights m&a trends and transactions in the seven segments of the Fintech world that we follow, and sometimes lead. Please click here for our November Fintech Market Update. There is a revolution going on in many areas of Fintech. It’s obvious to anyone who uses their smart phone for banking, uses Alipay, PayPal, or Venmo to make online payments; uses ApplePay or LevelUp for mobile purchases; knows about crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin and Etherium; or about Kabbage, OnDeck or others doing business lending; or about our client, BillingTree, for managing b2b…

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Oct 16, 2017

Consolidation and Collaboration: Our October 2017 Fintech M&A Report

Fintech, In the News, Newsletter, Uncategorized 0 Comments

Dear Clients and Friends, Our latest Fintech m&a report can be found here. It highlights m&a trends and transactions in the seven segments of the Fintech world that we follow, and sometimes lead. Please click here for our October 2017 Fintech M&A Report. The Money20/20 conference is around the corner – October 22nd – 25th. As last year, we’ll have a strong presence at the show as will more than 500 exhibitors. Over the next five years, most of those exhibitors will be acquired, or themselves acquire, or raise capital – or fail. All but the last are tasks that…

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Oct 9, 2017

Will the Europeans Kill Europe? Our October Market Update

In the News, Market Update, New M&A Addition, Newsletter 0 Comments

Dear Clients and Friends, Our report found here contains an update on m&a deals, values, and trends in the dozen+ segments of the information technology industry that we follow, and sometimes lead. As you will see, many recent transactions are cross-border. We care because about half of our transactions involve non-US companies. Last week, buried in the news about the mass killing in Las Vegas, the plight of those affected by hurricanes, Russian hacks of the US Election, the future of DACA, and possible changes to US tax law, was news that the European Commission has ordered Luxembourg to recapture €250mm…

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Sep 29, 2017

What are data crunchers missing in healthcare? Our September 2017 HIT Market Update

Healthcare IT, Healthcare Newsletter, Market Update, Newsletter 0 Comments

Dear Clients and Friends, Please click here for our September HIT Market Update. There is a saying that “In God we trust… but all others must bring data”. We agree. Without data, we trust no one. And we want analytics too. But even that is not always enough because those who crunch data in healthcare sometimes cannot deliver contextual precision. Here are a few examples: Population health management systems are focusing on the wrong population – Data analytics companies strive to identify that segment of the population that consumes the most $$. The concept is logical – crafting tailor made…

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