Report Suggests Healthcare IT Market Will Consolidate Into "Mega Firms"
Written by Jaimie Oh | November 11, 2010
A report published by financial advisory firm Marlin & Associates suggests companies in the healthcare information technology market will merge and consolidate into healthcare IT "mega firms" or "superstores" in the near future, according to a company news release.
The study, titled "Back to the Future: Healthcare Rebooted," was written based on surveys that were conducted throughout 2010. M&A predicts companies that are able to successfully integrate into consolidated healthcare information networks will be in a position to set industry standards.
In addition to its prediction about consolidated healthcare information networks, M&A also predicts radical advancements at relatively reasonable costs in the field of medicine, telecommunications, data management, infrastructure and analytics technologies.
To read the M&A Report click REPORT
To read the news release click "Back to the Future: Healthcare Rebooted."