A Fighter Pilot and a Marine's Perspective on What Business Can Learn from the Military - A Heleo discussion
Our CEO and founder Ken Marlin recently sat down with Lt. Col Rob 'Waldo' Waldman for Heleo, a new online platform that hosts in-depth conversations between thought leaders.
In their Heleo talk, Marlin (a former Marine Corps infantry officer and the author of “The Marine Corps Way to Win on Wall Street: 11 Principles from the Battlefield to the Boardroom”) and Waldman (a former Air Force fighter pilot and the author of "Never Fly Solo") discussed lessons they have taken from their respective experiences as military officers and applied in leading businesses – and advising CEOs. Marlin and Waldo talked about how to build the right culture – and why it matters; about why teams triumph over individuals; why missions are more important than relationships, and how to build an organization that will do the right things, for the right reasons, every time.
Please see the video below.